The internationally acclaimed Cucalorus Film Festival seeks a Media Relations Manager and an Outreach Coordinator to join the staff in preparation for the upcoming 15th annual Cucalorus Film Festival taking place November 11-15, 2009 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Cucalorus has established itself as one of the nation’s finest regional festivals, attracting filmmakers from all over the world for a non-competitive festival.
Media Relations:
Responsibilities include: providing administrative support to the director; preparing and delivering press releases; maintaining the festival website; preparing advertisements for TV, radio and print; managing the festival’s facebook, myspace and twitter accounts; developing eBlasts; maintaining a database of media contacts; maintaining festival email lists; and providing clear information to the public about participation in the festival. The ideal candidate will have strong organizational skills, excellent computer skills and be a very enthusiastic and consistent communicator. Strong writing skills are required. Please submit one haiku, original or stolen, with each application. This is a seasonal, part-time position beginning on June 22, 2009.
Outreach Coordinator
Responsibilities include: providing administrative support to the director, facilitating the festivals outreach events, establishing relationships with community organizations for partnership and attendance, overseeing the Latino Lens program, managing the Racial Rewind program, contacting area school groups to attend outreach events, organizing the annual Cucalorus Kids! Film Festival, creating and selling group ticket packages, and providing accurate attendance records for outreach events for grant reports. The ideal candidate will have a broad knowledge of community groups, non-profits, area schools, after school programs and local churches. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, outgoing and detail oriented. Event planning experience is required. Please submit a drawing of an exotic animal, real or imagined, with each application. This is a seasonal, part-time position beginning on June 22, 2009.
Please send cover letter, resume and three references by June 10, 2009 to:
Dan Brawley, Director
Cucalorus Film Foundation
815 Princess Street
Wilmington, NC 28401