The 15th Annual Cucalorus Film Festival seeks submissions from independent filmmakers and video artists. Cucalorus is a non-competitive showcase of features, shorts and documentaries from around the world. The festival blends together examples of dynamic story-telling and cutting edge production with a sampling of the finest international cinema. Known for its inclusive rock n' roll atmosphere, Cucalorus focuses on the filmmaker with a heavy dose of southern charm. In addition to seeking politically charged and technically groundbreaking works, the festival also appreciates films that highlight southern storytellers or experiences. Walkable and welcoming; Cucalorus invites you to join us for a progressive southern film festival. Attracting filmmakers and artists in large numbers, the festival "is a place where spectators and creators collide, leaving us all just a little more inspired and a lot more aware."
Formats: 35mm and various video formats. Cucaloriland accepts films from all genres. All entries on DVD must include entry form, an uncommon animal fact and/or portrait, and fee. The entry fee is $30 if postmarked by June 10, $40 if postmarked by July 10 and $50 if post marked after that. Download an entry form at or submit online using And of course, feel free to call our office for more information.
Send stuff to:
Cucalorus, 815 Princess Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. (910)-343-5995